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The time has come for the bird to fly out of the nest. School and board exams are finally over, with the feeling of freedom, excitement and feeling grown up. However, for both parent child, it comes with slight anxiety. The fear of the unknown is something that will always be present, and like all aRead More
Over the years, we’ve noticed that every student goes through their education in what we would like to call a messy manner, no matter how organized they may be while starting out. Don’t believe us? Remember that time you kept your books so clean and in ascending order of theirRead More
It’s that time of the year again! A new batch is all set to walk in. We’re getting ready to welcome those new faces, new goals and new ambitions as they walk through the doors of Vidya Mandir. Here, we don’t see numbers, nor do we see percentages. We see young individuals, people wRead More
Failure is inevitable in everyone’s life. No matter how smart, focused or hardworking one is, a time will come where things won’t go the way we expected them to. While growing up, failures are a common occurrence. The only way to battle this is to prepare your student or child, aRead More
Students need to add a new best friend to their friends list, especially during the vacations – Books! Everyone says reading is a good habit one must inculcate, everyone should read good magazines and books to learn more about the world, improve a language, stay updated, etc. But for students,Read More
We live in an era defined by technology, defined by its quick pace and by the financial status of every individual running the race. However, when it comes to parenting, all these three factors have a key role to play – Technology needs to be regulated, the quick pace needs to be slowed down fRead More
The clock is ticking, the pressure is building, not only do you need to work hard but also show results. The competition never gets less, and the stress only doubles as you grow older. So what do you do? Here are a few tips to beat the anxiety this summer! 1. Talk to peopRead More
While making the leap from high school to college, it’s super important to make sure that you land safely. It’s not just hop skip and jump, since college is a whole other ball game altogether. That being said, you don’t need to get nervous or jittery about taking the next natural sRead More
The two years of tenth and twelfth are quite crucial in a students life, and in a parents life as well. They can be easygoing and smooth, or stressful and difficult for everyone depending on how it is handled. Then comes the time to sit for the entrance exams. These can really stress the children ouRead More
At Vidya Mandir, we don’t just want to focus on coaching the children that seek our help in education. ‘Help’ here at Vidya Mandir is not merely academic assistance but a lot more than that. We prefer to pick on the roles of counsellors and mentors that don’t just help Read More
It’s nearly holiday time, and even though we’re in the middle of our exams, we can’t help but think about the summer vacations. When it comes to vacations you don’t need a lesson or advice on how to have fun, but all play and no work isn’t the smartest way forwaRead More
The new age is here,and in many different spheres of life, roles of men and women are being reversed. The wave of empowering people to do all kinds of things is coming through in a strong manner. Yet, we hear and see children differentiating and saying things like ‘That’s for girlsRead More
Remember those intense formulas that you learnt in school? Or those endless hours you spent studying the history of the world and always wondered, ‘This stuff has already happened! Why am I wasting my life studying this?’ Or “Will I ever really need this formula later in life?&rdquRead More
It’s that time of the year. That time, when kids turn to their books like they never have before – one last time, one last hurrah! The feared, the dreaded, BOARD EXAMS! It’s only natural that they feel intense levels of stress during these months leading up to the boards because ofRead More
In today’s times, staying updated with tech trends isn’t really a choice that parents have any more. It’s more of a bare necessity and falls under the mandates of ‘good parenting’. Today’s times are pretty tricky from a parenting standpoint. While the advancementsRead More
In today’s day and age, kids are more aware, progressive and vocal than earlier. They like to speak their mind and make their own choices. As amazing as that is, sometimes as a parent, makes the job a little more scary and in our heads difficult. Circumstances often lead families to be in situRead More
Board examinations are a rather stressful time for all students. These students are geared to score well, and prepare religiously as the marks often determine the next step. It is common for students to get stressed before writing their exams, and often even while writing the exams! Over the years, Read More
Studying can be rather tedious and takes up most of the student’s time – and is often, undesirable by students. It thus comes as no surprise that teachers have stringent rules about homework! Over the years, I’ve understood that there are a few hacks that make studying quicker, andRead More
When it comes to studies, the biggest problem students face nowadays is dealing with exam stress. Well, this stems mostly from the fact that they don’t really prepare for the exams when they’re announced and probably wake up for the exam on the day before the paper, (well, all of uRead More
How important is a Digital Detox? And how relevant is one when it comes to students and that age group of society? This article aims to tell you just how important technology is, and how an absence of it is even more important. Today we live in a generation of Social Media and the internet, where evRead More
It’s 2018 – A new year and a new opportunity for you as parents to pledge to bring your children up exactly how you imagined to, and make sure that you do whatever is in your power to lead them towards a brighter tomorrow. Of course, you can’t start a New Year without New YRead More
When it comes to taking the next step the education cycle, it’s always a question for the parents whether or not to send the child away to a hostel. Even the children are apprehensive at the thought! Well, you can’t blame them for not wanting to get out of their comfort zone, it’s Read More
Every parent wants to raise successful children, and we are all constantly trying to find newer and better improved ways of doing so. Today, we are here to give you the answer. We are here to tell you that the largest success booster there is, that’s is the presence of a parent. Read More
At Vidya Mandir, our mind set is very different to other educational institutions. We do not believe in comparing students, but simply focus on imparting education to each of our students in a way that is comfortable for them. Here, we believe in promoting Growth Thinking and broadening thRead More
Today Social Media has changed the world phenomenally and it has taken over our lives in such a way that things are never going to be the same again. Social interaction may have increased by ten-fold, but how much of that is human face to face interaction is a question that is best left out of the eRead More
Education as a value system is one that is built on the ideal of effective communication. Right from the time of the Indian Gurukul system, where oral tradition of passing on knowledge from one generation to another occurred, to modern times, where content is delivered on online platforms for studenRead More
We often have an existential crisis not knowing about what’s going on or what’s going to happen, or even if the decisions we’ve taken are the correct ones or not. Have I chosen the right subject? Have I opted for the right stream? What if I change my mind? What if I can’t do Read More
When it comes to studying and exams, everyone seems to drown in chaos as time passes by swiftly, and the deadline edges close. But it doesn’t always have to be last minute study sessions and hasty, selective learning to pass! We’re bringing you 5 simple but proven study tips that work anRead More
At Vidya Mandir, students excel beyond expectations and go on to realise their true potential…but not without good reason. We utilize a few fundamental techniques and concepts on which the basis of ‘teaching’ was founded and carried out but later on forgotten somewhere in the aRead More
At Vidya Mandir teaching isn’t just about taking a class or sitting for a lecture, it’s much more than that. We believe in the true spirit of teaching and learning beyond the means confined to classrooms and buildings. Our ideology at this institution stands for something more meaningfulRead More
The biggest question that both students & parents have is that while it’s easy to stay in touch during the academic year, how does one keep the ‘Nerd Mode’ on during the vacations? Once school is shut for the break (like the Diwali break now), the books take a back seat, colRead More
At Vidya Mandir, Mathematics isn’t just another subject one has to study in order to pass their exams. Mathematics is much more than a subject we need to study; it is a way of living. Allow us to explain. We’ve all known people who’ve been scared of maths, or we ourselves have suffRead More
As philosophical as it may sound, the key to everything is happiness. Think about it, why do you study so hard, do what you do, go forward with your hobbies, or even eat your favourite foods? Because at the ground level it makes you HAPPY, it gives you joy and that’s why you choose to do whaRead More
They say that ‘Failure is a stepping stone to success’ and you’ve probably heard a lot more motivational stuff out there talking about how failing isn’t the end, but merely a means to get to the finish line. Well, that stuff isn’t just motivational mumbo jumbo but in faRead More
t Vidya Mandir, just like any other institution, the focus is on ensuring that our students do well and get exceptional results in their examinations. And we believe in keeping our promises, and hence boast of an exceptional track record year after year, consistently churning out board toppersRead More
At Vidya Mandir, the words ‘TIME MANAGEMENT’ are more than just a jargon expected to solve all your problems. It is in fact a skill that we look to impart in our students, via the various teaching methods and programs conducted so that they learn to balance their academics and manage timRead More
At Vidya Mandir we use the most lethal weapon that the educational arsenal consists of – Tests. But there is a lot more to it than what meets the eye. We do not believe in conducting tests just for the sake of judging how much our students have learnt. We believe in doing things differently. RRead More
We are sure you want your children to study in the best institutions with the best faculty, and understand that the hunt for the perfect coaching class must be a difficult one, seeing how it plays a large role in shaping the future of your child. We focus on a lot more than just a Board Exam. Read oRead More
At Vidya Mandir we don’t believe in putting aspirants through rigorous examinations in order to further prepare for rigorous examinations! If that was the case, you could probably prepare by yourself. We’re here to guide you and help you excel, no matter what your current academic stanceRead More
It’s easy to get overwhelmed thinking about your career, wondering what will the first job feel like, or what direction of work should you choose in the first place. What if you make the wrong choice? What if you’re stuck in the wrong job? What if you can’t figure out what you wantRead More
As long as you’re in school, preparing for the exams throughout the year, it’s quite normal to forget everyday routines that can help you stay strong while you charge ahead. Teachers will focus on assignments, parents will focus on results and you’re left striving extremely hard toRead More
Choosing a stream right after your 10th boards is one of the trickiest decisions that you’re required to make, with a very limited idea of the options available. The stress around this decision is maximum, since the subjects you select in standard eleven and twelve are studied in depth &nRead More
When I started Vidya Mandir, my goal was not merely to help students increase their grades, or aim at marks – but to establish a connection with them, in a way that they would learn more about themselves, and about life, through the process of studying at Vidya Mandir. I believe that there&rsqRead More
Education is the quest for knowledge, and over the years I have come to realise that it is the teacher’s duty to make sure that his or her students perceive it that way. Only when one looks at life as a never ending quest for knowledge can the thirst for learning never die, and that constant gRead More
It’s important for those with the power of imparting knowledge to be responsible about how they perceive that information. In historian and philosopher Voltaire’s words we can sum that up as, “With great power comes great responsibility.” As a teacher, I have realised thatRead More