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In today’s times, staying updated with tech trends isn’t really a choice that parents have any more. It’s more of a bare necessity and falls under the mandates of ‘good parenting’. Today’s times are pretty tricky from a parenting standpoint. While the advancements in technology have made it much easier and more convenient to learn and imbibe information as kids, the evils lurking have also increased. We’ve often talked about the omnipresent social media and how they affect the child’s attention span, along with the plethora of games and apps that can have a lasting impact on a child’s impressionable mind – both positive and negative. In such times, when a child is not old enough to know what’s good for him and what isn’t, it’s the parent that needs to step in and take that call.
Now it isn’t just smartphones you need to worry about, we’ve come a long long way from that. Today’s kids have more specific demands, seeing the behaviour and usage of their peers and the gadgets that the parents themselves use. Smart watches, VR devices etc. are used by the children in a lot of cases and need to be properly supervised. These watches can run apps from the play store, and the Virtual Reality headsets give you an immensely real feel as if the world around you has changed. In a kid’s case, both these can mould their character in different ways and strict supervision is required to ensure that the apps that the kids are using are age appropriate and will do more good than harm!
But as parents you probably have a lot on your plate already. With jobs, responsibilities, added pressures that keep you occupied how can you possibly stay updated with the latest tech trends and supervise your kids? It’s really not that hard.
The key here is to ‘Get Wet but don’t drown’! What we mean is that keep an eye out for latest trends and developments that are being spoken of, but don’t read just any and every article out there. There are literally a million blogs and websites with information, but only a handful are actually relevant and true. Trust reliable sources and verified portals for your reviews and then form a judgement. A quick 5 minute internet search takes care of 90% of your task!
Find your Tech Whisperer! It can be anyone, a friend or family member that has a lot of tech knowledge, an online personality you meet at a forum or even a trusted blog that you can follow. Reach out and don’t be afraid to ask questions and queries and get your doubts cleared! Better to know something than be afraid to ask and stay in the dark.
Reach out to us for any queries/comments you’d like to leave and we’d love to get back to you. Cheers, and happy parenting!