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t Vidya Mandir, just like any other institution, the focus is on ensuring that our students do well and get exceptional results in their examinations. And we believe in keeping our promises, and hence boast of an exceptional track record year after year, consistently churning out board toppers that excel in their examinations.
With our surprise tests,weekly tests, mock tests, examination schedules, and vigorous revision, the majority of learning AND revision happens at the classes itself, thus minimizing the home work but maximizing the results. Over the past few years, we’ve had an exceptional record of students scoring 100’s in math and science, with majority of our students pass with distinction!
In the tenth standard board examinations, shining stars such as Anoushka Tyagi secured 100 in Math, while other talented students such as Ipshita Ghosh scored 99 in BOTH Math and Science! Khushi Gupta also scored an amazing 98 in both the subjects in her tenth board exams.
The story isn’t much different for the 12th Standard boards, where our students Agrima Sahore, Karen Hudlikar, Mariyam Ahmed and many more scored a blistering 99 in Math, while others like Aravind Bhardwaj, Vaibhav Sethi, and Supriya Aiyer scored upwards of 95 in Physics and Chemistry! It’s no surprise that not one but so many of our students have made their mark on the score cards, via a new and interactive way of learning that actually helps them learn their work and not just mug it up!
For the entire list of students and their marks in the 10th and 12th standard board exams, visit the following links :
To change your future and take a step in the direction of success, join us at Vidya Mandir and sign up for a brighter tomorrow!