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As philosophical as it may sound, the key to everything is happiness. Think about it, why do you
study so hard, do what you do, go forward with your hobbies, or even eat your favourite foods?
Because at the ground level it makes you HAPPY, it gives you joy and that’s why you choose to do what
you do.
At Vidya Mandir, we understand the importance of academics and marks but at the same time we
believe in a fulfilling life that gives you satisfaction at the end of the day, and we want to see our students smile.
We focus on marks and exams, but we focus more on learning, education and an overall sense of satisfaction. We want to
build a world where all that matters is happiness, and all those who are a part of the Vidya Mandir family will agree with this.
It’s for this reason that we encourage our students to strike the perfect balance between academics and extra-curricular
activities so that they can follow their passion and realise their potential in whatever field they
choose to.
We’re extremely proud to put forward some of our extraordinary students that were excellent in
Math and Science, securing 90% and above, and still chased after their dream of doing what made them happy:
Kamakshi Rai follows her passion for singing and music.
Chandana Phadkule is an extremely talented dancer besides being exceptional academically.
Natasha Gracias is a pilot! Soaring through the skies is her passion.
Maitri Ravishankar is another bright spark, having completed her degree from NID, Ahmedabad!
And these are just a few of the many multi-talented individuals that we nurture to get the best out
of them so that they can follow their passion and live life to the fullest so that they can be truly
HAPPY! These students could’ve followed the road most commonly taken and gone onto become
Doctors or Engineers, but they chose to do what makes them happy.
That’s our end goal at Vidya Mandir, to ensure the students are well equipped for the exam of life, so that they HAVE THE CHOICE to
do what they want, that could be engineering or even biking!