While making the leap from high school to college, it’s super important to make sure that you land safely. It’s not just hop skip and jump, since college is a whole other ball game altogether. That being said, you don’t need to get nervous or jittery about taking the next natural step in progression, but rather embrace it with excitement. You know what they say, ‘Your college days will stay with you forever’. That being said, here are a few things that you should keep in mind when you’re starting your college life and that could be of help to you in this transition period –
- Master the art of Time Management – You can transition into college effortlessly just by optimally utilizing your time. A lot of students love the freedom, the hostel life so much that they end up wasting half the day in bed and get stuck in the vicious circle of trying to match the attendance towards the end of the semester, clueless of what’s been taught. Attend your lectures, participate in extracurricular activities and make time to blow off steam with your friends too. It’s all about the right balance.
- Don’t be afraid to fail – This doesn’t just limit to your grades or academics, and no we don’t mean that you don’t need to study. What this means is that you shouldn’t be afraid to try out new things. Hobbies, sports, subjects, try out whatever attracts your interest. You’re still finding your feet and you’ll never know what your forte is or could be if you don’t try. Take that risk, you never know what you might learn.

- Find a Mentor – There’s nothing that smoothens the process of settling into college like having an experienced mentor to fall back on. Find a professor or teacher that’s passionate about the same subject as you, or a senior that you can relate or connect with and don’t be afraid to talk to them about your experiences and ask them for advice.
- BE SOCIAL – This cannot be emphasised enough! You can’t be in your shell and keep to yourself when you join college, it’s the easiest to make friends in the start. You don’t want to be struggling to enter groups that have already been formed later on and not know what’s up. Learn with each other and grow together, talk to your peers and find a group of individuals that you’re most comfortable talking to. Talk to everyone and maintain friendly relations with everyone. Help whoever you can, it comes back to you!
Stay in touch with your family and friends back home, share your day with everyone, and see how easy it gets to enter the world of college