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When it comes to studying and exams, everyone seems to drown in chaos as time passes by swiftly, and the deadline edges close. But it doesn’t always have to be last minute study sessions and hasty, selective learning to pass! We’re bringing you 5 simple but proven study tips that work and get the job done, provided you utilize them!
1 – Take short study breaks and go for a walk – Sitting in one place and trying to absorb knowledge can get very irritating, especially if you’re someone with a short attention span ( which is the case with most millennials) or someone who fidgets a lot. Rather than forcing yourself to sit in one place while your mind wanders away, take short brisk study breaks. Walk a little to refresh your mind and get the blood flowing to all the parts of your body so both your body and mind can wake up, and get back into study mode!
2 – Teaching someone else – You might have noticed this, but nothing gets an idea or concept firmly planted in your head like when you’re explaining it to someone else! You can’t really teach someone else a concept unless you completely imbibe it yourself, and in the process of brushing up to teach someone you end up revising and rehearsing it for yourself, which is basically a win-win!
3 – Shuffle Subjects – You should always make the best use of your surroundings and what you have at hand, and this couldn’t be more fitting than in the case of studying. When you get too saturated with Math you can switch over to English for a refreshing change and still keep the learning going, or when you’re too bored with Science you can switch over to the enthralling tales of Indian history and still keep the learning spirit up!
4 – Get Good Rest – This is probably the most important tip and pretty self-explanatory too! To stay in the best shape both physically and mentally you need to get at least 6-8 hours of sound sleep every night. Rest, sleep on time so that you can begin your day fresh and stay alert and attentive throughout.
5 – Take Tests – And last but definitely not the least, take more tests! The lesser the gap between each test, the fresher the content stays in your memory and you’re able to revise and remember what you learn again and again. When the big exam day comes, you merely need to peek back into your mind and the answers will flow involuntarily!
Try these the next time you are studying for an exam, and you’ll realize you don’t need to wait for a deadline to appear before you’re well versed with your syllabus!