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I joined Vidya Mandir in 11th standard.
My experiences with Vidya Mandir are truely special. First of all my sir, Mr. Rohit Sarin who was a complete guide and support to me during the two most difficult years of my life(11 & 12th). He made the two most difficult subjects maths and physics so much fun. I was a slow person in solving sums but due to his continuous focus on my work i improved drastically. He cleared all my concepts and believed in me. His confidence in me, made me arise from my idleness and forced me to explore, think, speak up for myself and excel.
Secondly i loved the environment of Vidya Mandir, the lively classroom, my friends, the casual and the serious talks in class with sir, the suspense while thinking for an answer to a physics situation. I loved solving maths sums in class where there was a time limit. Lets here not forget the loads of home assignments which he gave & the class tests, & the test series at the completion of 12th syllabus and the report card which actually, gifted their true most invaluable fruits, during final exams when the answers simply appeared in front of our eyes just like that as sir had said. How much I felt good when I had an answer to a question.
Thirdly I also miss my chemistry teacher who was always there for me and her kind and caring words to help me improve in chemistry.
Fourthy, I miss the parties we all had together with sir!
Last but not the least I would like to say that you would not find a better, more supportive, caring and excellent science and maths class anywhere else.
I will always miss being there.