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Sir, I must thank u so much because if it wasn’t for u I wouldn’t have been able to clear my maths papers in engineering so well…It was such an enriching experience at Vidya Mandir because I have learnt so much from there…not only in Maths but as far as discipline in my work is concerned it all comes from you….Vidya Mandir was like a roller coaster ride for me…I had my ups and my downs…but they were all so enjoyable….the days when we used to stay up at night completing our homework or the days when we were punished in class for not doing it. We miss those days even now…it was something to look forward to everyday and all your efforts have taken me a long way. Thank you so much for trusting in me and I will never forget that you always thought I would do well…I hope someday I can make you and Vidya Mandir proud by getting a good job…I am trying my best to…Thank you so much for all your efforts and most importantly the trust you had in me…