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I enrolled in Vidya Mandir in my 10th standard. I was really bad in Maths. I was afraid that I might fail in my Maths preboards, if I didn’t get the right kind of coaching.
I was afraid of Maths. My parents had tried all sort of coachings. Personal tuition, teachers from the same school etc. Nothing worked.
Most of my friends used to go to Vidya Mandir and I always had the perception that it’s just like another ‘school’, I’ll have to sit there with 30-35 students and the teacher will teach and I’ll have the same status in Maths. But my parents insisted that I joined and at least tried.
I think this was the turning point in my life. It might seem an exaggeration, but it’s true.
Unlike any professor, sir just didn’t teach; he made us love Maths. It’s his passion for the subject that made us passionate. It never felt like sir had ignored us because it was a big class. He knew each and everything that his students were doing in class and otherwise.
I would have never dreamed of being an engineer if not for Rohit sir.
10th was one of the milestones. From almost failing in Maths in 9th standard, I scored a 90 in my boards.
Maths in 11th and 12th is the building block especially for further studies and Rohit sir knew this fact, more than we did.
Concepts of calculus were grounded in us. We knew how to solve one sum in almost 5 different ways and I realized it’s importance only after getting into engineering college. We, in VM, were made to practice almost 50 sums per topic which reinforced our basics and for which I’ll always be grateful to VM.
I believe Maths transformed me. I remember sir always said Maths is a way of life. It’s a discipline. It defines what we do in life. I think that’s the greatest advice anyone has given me.
After joining college I have been doing various projects in upcoming fields like 3D printing etc and I think it would be impossible for me to do without loving Maths.