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I was enrolled for Maths classes in Vidya Mandir in 2009-2010 (Class XI and Class XII). The classes in Vidya Mandir were excellent and the sole factor in establishing my fundamentals in advanced mathematics. My fascination for numbers was stimulated at Vidya Mandir and helped me to take a step towards my final goal of being a Chartered Accountant. These classes helped me secure 96% in Mathematics in Class XII as a result of which I could secure admission to B.Com (Hons) at Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University, New Delhi. The fundamentals built up at Vidya Mandir helped me in clearing my CPT and IPCC (both groups) in the Chartered Accountancy course and I am presently pursuing Articleship after completing my Graduation before appearing for the CA Final Examination which will give me the final push to my ultimate dream of being an accomplished Chartered Accountant. I thank Vidya Mandir for realizing my dream.