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I met Mr. Rohiet Sarren in 2002 when my daughter was 2 years old. I was deeply impressed with his passion for teaching and acquiring knowledge. The decision for my daughter was made on the spot but implemented 12 years later when she joined Vidyamandir in her 9th std in Nov 2014. She was in Hutching’s high school then. Mathematics was her worst enemy and she had all the plans to drop it after 10th std. The impact of Rohiet Sir’s teaching was such that her grades started improving and so did her concepts and interest in Mathematics. She herself was amazed at her 10th board examinations result (90% in Maths) and gives all the credit to Rohiet Sir. While continuing in Vidyamandir, she has passed her 12th std (City International school) with very good marks (90% in Maths, 89% in Physics & 87% in Chemistry) and is planning to pursue a career in Mathematics. This was the transformation.
She was a very obedient, honest and sincere child before joining Vidyamandir but now she has additional qualities of discipline and hardwork,.inculcated by the curriculum and environment of Vidyamandir. We, as mother and daughter, have high regards for Rohiet Sir as he is not in the race of marks like other institutes but takes all the efforts to help students attain knowledge and achieve excellence (and marks follow). He prepares the students for life and not only for boards.