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My journey in Vidya Mandir started in 9th Standard way back in 2005 with math classes by Sarin Sir, cycling to class every day after school. It instilled in me a passion for mathematics and science which carries on till date. I knew 9th and 10th boards were a cakewalk because of Sarin sir and Garima Ma’am. As I entered 11th and 12th, I knew that my first choice would be joining Vidya Mandir as opposed to the prevailing opinion that joining an “IIT” class would be a better choice for your competitive exams. Sarin Sir prepared us for AIEEE and Maharashtra CETs equally well as he did for the 12th board exams and I learnt that being thorough with your basic knowledge is most important in the long run. I had a good choice of engineering colleges to choose from, which eventually landed me a job at John Deere where I worked for three years. I have fond memories of Vidya Mandir and it was an important part of my school life. Both Sir and Mam always went that extra mile to know their students on a personal level too. I felt so special when I met Garima Mam at the airport more than a year back and she immediately called up Sir and we chatted after a long time. As I write this feedback, I reminisce and am grateful to Vidya Mandir for life as I pursue my masters in Electrical Engineering at University at Buffalo, SUNY. I wish Sarin Sir and Garima Mam, all the very best for the expansion and development of Vidya Mandir which has come a long way because of their hard work and dedication. It feels proud to have been a part of this institution.