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Every parent wants to raise successful children, and we are all constantly trying to find newer and better improved ways of doing so. Today, we are here to give you the answer. We are here to tell you that the largest success booster there is, that’s is the presence of a parent. 

To a child, the most important people in the world are his or her parents. Typically, a child spends 6 hours at school, a few hours at classes or playing with peers which still leaves the maximum time in the day with his/her family. At home, is where most of the learning takes place. The child depends on this place for his emotional well-being. 

A trait common to all human beings is seeking attention. Whether the child actively asks for it or not, trust that he or she needs it. As a parent, one needs to show active interest in academic and school progress, social peers and buddies as well as in the emotional state of mind of the child. 

Studies have shown children who come from an open flow of communication in the home space are more likely to participate and succeed at various activities. Similarly, children who are termed as badly behaved or troubled, usually are trying to attract the parents attention. 

A few ways a parent can consciously help a child are : 

  1. Set aside time – in our daily lives, we don’t always get time with our loved ones as everyone is caught up in their schedules. There could be a structure set of having weekly or daily family time, whether the parent and child bond or talk to one another and share. 
  2. Small everyday actions make the largest impact – Don’t wait for your family time to bond with your child. A passing smile, pat on the shoulder or even a compliment can go a long way. Remember your child is never too old to be told how amazing he or she is, or to be given a bear hug. At first, it may seem awkward for both parties but eventually it will become natural. 
  3. Have the hard conversations too -The harder it may be to have conversations that make you uncomfortable or that you think will make your child uncomfortable, the more important they are too, as nobody else will have these with your child. The answers and reactions to these questions will also give you an in depth idea of the company, mentality and habits of your child. 
  4. Address with love – While bonding or giving attention to your child, there may be certain topics you may not be comfortable knowing, or that make you angry. It is important that you do not show this anger at that point but deal with it calmly as otherwise your child may never confide in you again.

The bottom line is great parental investment leads to satisfied and happy children! In all and every situation, remember you are in this together and no matter how old, mature or independent, your child always needs you!